Rasa Founder Shines Light on The Invisible Burden of Criminal Records and the Need for Modern Legal Solutions, USA Today (January 27, 2024)
Ep 206: Rasa Legal Founder Noella Sudbury On Simplifying Criminal Records Expungement, LawNEXT (January 26, 2024)
SEG Foundation helps give people opportunity for a ‘clean slate’, Deseret News (January 22, 2024)
Expungement Summit offers Utahns valuable second chances, FOX13 (January 22, 2024)
Happening Today – Expungement Summit, KUTV (January 22, 2024)
Utah’s Afternoon News With Maria Shilaos and Scott Seeger, KSL News Radio (January 22, 2024)
Delta Center opens doors to help Utahns with criminal records, KSL News Radio (January 22, 2024)
Utah expungement summit helps hundreds clear criminal records, KUTV (January 21, 2024)
SEG Foundation to host 2025 expungement summit at Delta Center, KSL TV (January 21, 2024)
How SEG Foundation helps Utah residents reclaim their future, ABC4 (January 21, 2024)
Utah expungement summit helps hundreds clear criminal records, KJZZ (January 21, 2024)
How Utahns with criminal pasts are getting help expunging their records, FOX13 (January 21, 2024)
Utah’s Delta Center to welcome those needing to clear criminal records, Deseret News (January 18, 2024)
Utah’s Delta Center to welcome those needing to clear criminal records, KSL (January 17, 2024)
More Policing in SLC, Lock the Clock, Crumbl Deodorant, Citycast Salt Lake (January 17, 2024)
SEG Foundation to Host Utah Expungement Summit at Delta Center in Salt Lake City on January 22, NBA (January 15, 2024)
Salt Lake’s 2024 Naughty and Nice List, City Cast Salt Lake (December 12, 2024)
At the Third TLTF Summit, Legal Tech Leaders Convened in Miami for Three Days of Dialogue and Serendipity, Lawnext (December 10, 2024)
How a change in process is helping people in Utah expunge their criminal records, FOX13 (October 3, 2024)
New expungement law takes effect making process more efficient, KJZZ14 (October 2, 2024)
Nonlawyer entities could provide legal services in Washington in proposed pilot program, ABA Journal (September 11, 2024)
‘It was our priority’: SLCPD clears massive criminal record expungement backlog that piled up under ‘Clean Slate Law’, The Salt Lake Tribune (August 9, 2024)
Meet the Founder 100: Utah Edition honorees, Utah Business Magazine (June 29, 2024)
Davis Tech, Rasa partner to provide vital support to justice-impacted students, The Davis Journal (June 14, 2024)
Venture Capital Podcast Reveals Its Founder 100 for Utah, Martechcube (June 13, 2024)
Utah Founder 100 Honorees Named, Tech Buzz News (June 12, 2024)
Rasa Legal to host free event to help those with criminal records get jobs, KVOA (April 23, 2024)
Get to Know These 15 Justice Tech Leaders & Innovators This Second Chance Month, Village Capital (April 17, 2024)
Why Arizona Law Firms Are a Hot Investment for Private Equity, The Wall Street Journal (March 20th, 2024)
Rasa Legal receives $150,000 grant from the American Heart Association Social Impact Funds to support criminal record clearance efforts, Utah Business Magazine (March 20th, 2024)
There’s a long backlog to clear criminal records, so Utah is eyeing a 3-year pause, KUER (February 23th, 2024)
Meet the Female Founders of Legal Tech, Law.com (February 12th, 2024)
Want to clear a criminal record? This lawyer has an app for that, Legal Rebels (January 17th, 2024)
‘A pathway for hope’: Company hosts criminal record clearance clinic at ASU Phoenix, Yahoo News (December 8th, 2023)
‘A pathway for hope’: Company hosts criminal record clearance clinic at ASU Phoenix, AZ Central (December 8th, 2023)
People face legal labyrinth to expunge criminal records, Arizona Capitol Times (December 7th, 2023)
New app helps Arizonans clear criminal records, Axios Phoenix (December 7th, 2023)
Driving Impact And Equity Through Criminal Record Expungement, Forbes (November 29th, 2023)
High fees, long waits cast shadow over new criminal expungement laws, Stateline (November 28th, 2023)
When it comes to deregulation of the legal industry, divisions run deep, ABA Journal (November 16th, 2023)
SheTech Interns Interview Noella Sudbury, Founder and CEO of Rasa Legal, Tech Buzz (November 1st, 2023)
Utah Business and Foley & Lardner are pleased to present the 2023 Utah Innovation Awards program., Utah Business (October 31st, 2023)
NOELLA SUDBURY: CHAMPIONING ACCESS TO JUSTICE – EPISODE 4, Legally Speaking Podcast (October 20th, 2023)
‘Right on Crime’ on Thursday’s Access Utah, UPR (October 19th, 2023)
Free expungements offered in Utah for National Recovery Month, KSL (September 27th, 2023)
Utah Dept. of Corrections and partners offering 30 free expungements of low-level criminal records, ABC 4 (September 13th, 2023)
Finalists Named for American Legal Technology Awards; Winners to be Named At Oct. 8 Event, Law Next (September 8th, 2023)
Lawyers Indicted, Rasa Lands $1M, Judging TikTok, Legal Academia #MeToo Continues, Religious Training as Sanction & More, Legal Ethics (August 21st, 2023)
CNN Host Van Jones Reveals How He’s Investing $100 Million in ‘Miracle Money’ From Jeff Bezos, Us Weekly (August 18th, 2023)
Right On Crime hosts The Dollars & Sense of Second Chance Hiring, an Employer Engagement forum, Utah Business (August 18th, 2023)
Rasa Legal Raises $1.1 Million Pre-seed Extension Round, Tech Buzz (August 14th, 2023)
Alumna Noella Sudbury Helps Clients Achieve a Clean Slate Through Record Expungement Technology, Res Gestae (August 10th, 2023)
Employment after incarceration: the importance of Utah’s Clean Slate law, Utah Business (June 30th, 2023)
Cost to expunge criminal history soon going up in Utah as pilot program ends, FOX 13 (June 27th, 2023)
Utah criminal record expungement fees to quadruple July 1, Salt Lake Tribune (June 26th, 2023)
Date approaches for surge in expungement fees in Utah, KUTV (June 23rd, 2023)
Fee waiver to help Utahns clear their criminal record about to expire, KSL TV (June 21st, 2023)
On LawNext: Rasa Legal Founder Noella Sudbury On Simplifying Criminal Records Expungement, LawSites (June 6th, 2023)
Rasa Legal: A Small Business for Second Chances, Salt Lake Chamber (May 4th, 2023)
Advocates push for employment opportunities for Utahns with criminal records, KJZZ (April 29th, 2023)
NextGen Justice Tech: 4 ways to launch & fund justice tech initiatives, Thomson Reuters (April 11th, 2023)
EP 117 – Clean Slate Utah with Noella Sudbury, We Do Recover With Jared Miller (March 31st, 2023)
Rasa Legal Uses Tech to Clear Criminal Records and Create Opportunity, Tech Buzz (March 28th, 2023)
Utah’s expungement program at risk of not being extended, KJZZ (February 16, 2023)
How the NBA says it will give back to Utah during All-Star Weekend in Salt Lake, Salt Lake Tribune (February 9, 2023)
Utah Public Safety is looking for more resources to clear the clean slate law backlog, KUER (January 26, 2023)
Utah is a red-state leader in the “clean slate” movement, AXIOS (January 25, 2023)
NBA Utah Jazz Spotlight Utah’s Clean Slate Efforts, KUTV (January 24, 2023)
Clean Slate Summit highlights Utah’s law that gives people a second chance, KSL (January 24, 2023)
NBA Utah Jazz spotlight Utah’s Clean Slate Efforts, KJZZ (January 24, 2023)
“Everyone Deserves A Second Chance” | Jazz Help Host Clean Slate Expungement Summit, NBA (January 24, 2023)
Episode 89: Noella A. Sudbury
Founder and CEO of Rasa Public Benefit Corporation, a Legal Tech Company that Makes the Process of Clearing a Criminal Record Simple and Affordable, The Portia Project (January 23rd, 2023)
Utah Jazz expungement clinic gives Utahns second chances, clean slates, KSL (January 23, 2023)
Yes, investors are still investing in pre-seed rounds, Utah Business (January 16, 2023)
6 Justice Tech Founders Share Predictions for 2023, Paladin (January 3, 2023)
Noella Sudbury – Rasa – Making the Process of Clearing a Criminal Record Simple and Affordable for Everyone, Valiant CEO (December 27, 2022)
A new app is helping some 450 Utahns get a second chance. Robert Gehrke explains how., Salt Lake Tribune (November 23, 2022)
New app streamlines what Utahns go through to expunge criminal records, KUER 90.1 (September 8, 2022)
Utah launches new app designed to help residents wipe away past criminal records, Utah Public Radio (September 8, 2022)
New app helps Utahns expunge criminal records from their past, Fox 13 News (September 7, 2022)
New app helps give Utahns fresh start through criminal expungement, KSL News (September 7, 2022)
App ayuda a personas que califican a borrar sus antecedentes penales en Utah, Univision (7 Septiembre 2022)
Partnership allows employers to pay for expungement of employees’ criminal records, KUTV News (July 28, 2022)
Modern Approaches to Expungement, Talk Justice Podcast (July 12, 2022)
New law, app hopes to make it easier for people to clear their criminal records, KUTV News (May 26, 2022)
Inside the Fight for Automatic Record-Clearing with Leaders from the Clean Slate Movement, OFF-KILTER Podcast (May 23, 2022)
Pilot program makes expungement more accessible for Utahns, Fox 13 News Story (May 4, 2022)
New laws, funds, helping Utahns clear criminal records, KSL News (April 3, 2022)
“I got a fresh start”: How ‘clean slate laws help millions of formerly incarcerated people start over, The Independent (February 13, 2022)
Minor criminal records to be expunged automatically as Utah Clean Slate law takes effect, KSL News (February 10, 2022)
Thousands of criminal records automatically wiped under Utah’s ‘clean slate’ law, Salt Lake Tribune (February 10, 2022)
Utah’s Clean Slate Law, Odyssey House Journals Episode 44 (February 4, 2022)
New ‘clean slate’ law will expunge criminal records for hundreds of thousands of Utahns, KUTV (January 25, 2022)
Clean Slate Utah, Radioactive (January 20, 2022)
In labor crunch, businesses back efforts to clear workers’ criminal records, NPR’s Marketplace (October 22, 2021)
How some states are working to make your rap sheet disappear, Deseret News (June 15, 2021)
Can’t afford an attorney? Test-run revamp of lawyer rules paves way for tech to help, Deseret News (August 22, 2020)
Utah can lead the nation in helping average people navigate the legal system, Salt Lake Tribune (August 19, 2020)
Minor Crimes Get Clean Slate in Utah, National Association of Counties (April 19, 2019)
Utah Lawmaker proposes ‘clean slate’ law to automatically wipe away non-violent criminal records, Deseret News (March 3, 2018)